
Dr. Sameera Gupta

What is Hypothyroidism?

Complete Guide On Thyroid | Types | Causes | Treatment

Are you suffering from thyroid? Do you know what is thyroid? Are you stressed about what will come in my reports? You must be having a lot of questions about thyroid. Check our complete guide on thyroid.

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What Is Thyroid?

Thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland which stores thyroid hormones. It is a small gland located at the base of your throat. Which hormone does thyroid gland produce? It produces  triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Now these hormones are responsible for regulation of your weight and energy levels. It contributes to growth and maintaining your body’s internal temperature.

Types Of Thyroid

There are two types of thyroid hyperthyroid and hypothyroid let’s understand about both one by one.

What is Hyperthyroidism?

When your thyroid gland starts producing more thyroid hormones than your body requires then that is called as hyperthyroid. So now when you have an excess amount of thyroid hormones then definitely your metabolism rate increases and you experience sudden weight loss which is not healthy. You may also experience an increase in appetite accompanied by anxiety. Women may also experience problems in their menstruation cycles and fertility.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

complete guide on thyroid

What is Hypothyroidism?

When your thyroid gland starts producing less thyroid hormones than your body requires then that is called as hypothyroid. So now when you have less amount of thyroid hormones your metabolism becomes really slow and you can experience sudden weight gain. You may also experience low energy levels, irregular periods and body ache. Read more about hypothyroidism

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

Causes of Thyroid Problems

  • Increase in stress

    If you take a lot of stress this could be a reason. Most of the diseases start with stress.

  • Plastics

    Overuse of plastic creates issues inside the human body. Avoid plastic, you can use glass jars or metal jars.

  • Sedentary lifestyle

    If you also have long working hours and you are not active enough then this could be one of the reasons why you are having thyroid. Eating junk is part of a sedentary lifestyle. Try to maintain proper work life balance and start living a healthy life.

  • Weak immune system

    If you are having a weak immune system then disbalance of hormones is natural. Your priority should be increasing immunity so that you can stay protected.

  • Heredity

    If thyroid is in your family history then there are higher chances that you can also suffer from thyroid issues. Ensure that you are keeping a regular check on it.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

Don't let thyroid issues hold you back. Reach out now to book an appointment

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You can control thyroid by changing your lifestyle and having proper medication. Have a stress management plan and start working out. Yoga will prove to be best for you as it will help you in regulating your hormones. Start planning your meals and day well so that you can manage some time for your health. Also start meditating as it will help you in controlling stress. You have to keep a check on your diet as it can help you control thyroid. If you are still confused after reading complete guide on thyroid then you can contact our experts

 If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, don’t delay. You should always seek an expert. You can contact us to get proper treatment and diet plans..

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