Physiotherapy for Shoulder pain

Dr. Sameera Gupta

Physiotherapy for Shoulder pain

Physiotherapy for Shoulder pain

Physiotherapy for Shoulder pain

Were you feeling a slight ache or some form of tightness in your shoulder? And in response to this feeling, did you immediately rotate your shoulder? 

The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body, and we rely on it every day for the basic activities of the day. The pain can be caused by various factors such as lifting things awkwardly, poor neck or shoulder posture while sleeping, playing tennis, swimming or working if the workstation is not set up properly.  

What many people don’t know is this minor pain can progress to a more constant, dull ache down the arm. With physiotherapy, you will get quick relief from shoulder pain. The earlier you seek shoulder physiotherapy treatment the better the outcome and it will be achieved more quickly.

A] Common causes of Shoulder Pain

  • Rotator cuff tendinitis: The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that help to stabilise the shoulder joint. When there are repetitive overhead motions, such as swimming, or tennis, the tendons that attach the rotator cuff muscles to the upper arm bone also called as humerus become inflamed or damaged.

  • Arthritis: Inflammation of the joints is a symptom of arthritis.  There are many types of arthritis, but the most common type in the shoulder is osteoarthritis, which is also known as “wear and tear” arthritis. The symptoms such as swelling, pain, and stiffness, typically begin during middle age.
  • Frozen shoulder: When the shoulder capsule, which is the tissue surrounding the shoulder joint, becomes inflamed and thickened, it leads to the gradual loss of movement in the joint. This can make it difficult to lift the arm, reach behind the back, or turn the arm over.

B] Importance Of Physiotherapy For Shoulder Pain

Getting a shoulder pain physiotherapy treatment is essential as it can help to reduce the pain and swelling in the shoulder by implementing methods such as heat, ice packs and massage. The treatment strengthens the muscle around the shoulder, making the joint more stable and less prone to injury in future.

Physiotherapy improves the overall flexibility of muscles, strength and coordination. There are different types of therapy available such as heat therapy, cold therapy, stretches, hands-on approach, nerve stimulation and many more. At Dr. Sameera’s PhysioSlim Clinic, we also offer arthritis therapy, Medicine Ball Exercises, Swiss Ball Exercises, Ligament Injuries and many more.

Why Choose Dr. Sameera For Neck Pain Physiotherapy Treatment?

With nearly three decades of experience in the wellness industry, Dr Sameera, a physiotherapist in Mumbai, has successfully treated over 95,000 patients, earning their trust by prioritising their health and well-being.

Moreover, Dr Sameera is also a forerunner in the field of physio-occupational treatment. She is also known for her The Power of 360° approach, and she has treated many patients, including celebrities, and received exceptional results along with positive feedback. Driven by her commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in physiotherapy and neck pain management, she combines this knowledge with her wealth of experience to pinpoint the root causes of health issues in her patients and devise personalised plans for effective solutions.

If you are suffering from shoulder pain, book your appointment today and get rid of the pain!

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