
Dr. Sameera Gupta

Pre/Post Operative Care

sports physio

Pre/Post Operative Care

Preoperative care and treatment can greatly affect the recovery process. Many know the importance of a post-operative rehabilitation program, but only a few take into consideration the impact of preoperative care. They are designed to promote healing and reduce pain. A well structured and implemented preoperative care can greatly benefit the patients as it prepares the body and mind for the surgery.

In the preoperative period, the patient’s overall well-being is improved. Research shows that it reduces pain and inflammation and improves muscle control along with various other benefits.

Post-operative rehabilitation is followed after an orthopaedic surgery. Even common operations or injuries on the hip, knee, shoulder, wrist, hand, neck, foot, ankle, and spine need post-operative care for speedy and safe recovery. Physical therapy starts on low intensity in order to gauge the result of the operation or the status of the injury. Our goal is to take small steps that let the patient’s ability to regain motion and strength grow and eventually make it possible for them to return to their daily activities.

Our physiotherapists are proficient at training the body and prevent any re-injury during the recovery process. We provide easy to understand guidelines and evaluate the patient’s health to allow optimal healing. Plans are made for pain reduction that includes ice, heat, and electrical stimulation of the muscles, etc. Posture training is also given along with self-care techniques after the patient is discharged. These two aspects of surgery are critical to achieving a successful recovery.

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